Different mail providers use different rules and systems when trying to detect SPAM and Junk emails. There are standards that are used and we are following those guidelines. However, there are a few steps that you can take to ensure that you get the emails you are expecting to get. These directions are written for Keowee Key emails but could be applied to email emails you are having this issue with.
If you are using a private email system like a "work" provided email address. Please contact their support to see what you can do to augment the email flow. if is suggested that you use a personal email address not provided by your employer, like the ones provided below.
Approved Senders:
Some mail providers require that the sending email address is in the user's contacts before mail can be delivered to the mailbox. We have provided a list of sending email addresses that you can add to your contacts. If it is possible for you to whitelist a domain, please whitelist keowee-key.com. Please add the following to your contacts as that will prevent you from not getting them.
- kkpoait@keowee-key.com
- golfstaff@keowee-key.com
- kkpoaboard@keowee-key.com
- web@keowee-key.com
- club_info@keowee-key.com
- unmonitoredmailbox@keowee-key.com
Emails in Junk Folder:
If the email is in your junk folder mark the email as not spam. Your mail provider will have directions on how to do this. We have provided directions for a few common providers below.
- Google - https://support.google.com/mail/answer/1366858?co=GENIE.Platform%3DiOS&hl=en
- Yahoo - https://help.yahoo.com/kb/manage-spam-mailing-lists-yahoo-mail-sln28056.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAKhU3BhPA07uLOTDzxFErFSwGRbVu6Qv9JrhuPNc2j4vn1WFgOKV6mN4yFIN9a0RTm6r0gSxT2tfRZwp4EFnlIVU9GmFqmhRxSFBSkSD8EeCKtY89VIg47C3WPZqbWa26woEsxWfk4Mgdgs-HAFCobVT0sDSlqRNUWaJiP6oNHQc