If you would like to vote electronically, follow the instructions below.  To view the ballot item description, go to the private side of the Keowee Key website (www.keoweekeysc.com).  On the main page, you will see a link, in red, titled, “Click here to view ballot item description.”  If you would like a hard copy of the ballot item description mailed to you, phone the Administration Office at 944-2312, send an email to the Administration Office at management@kkpoa.com, or simply stop by the Administration Office during normal business hours.  


Electronic vote steps:

  1. Using any Internet browser, navigate to the private side of the Keowee Key website.  On the main page, you will see a link, in red, titled, “Click here to vote electronically.”  This link will take you to the voting website.
  2. Enter your last name in all lower case letters. Then enter your voting number, which is the six-digit number located on the enclosed return envelope under the barcode in the upper left-hand corner.  Click “Login.”
  3. On the next screen, click on the “Proceed to Ballot” button.    
  4. On the next screen, click on your ballot choice.  
  5. Once you have finished with your selection you will be given the option to “Preview Ballot Selections.”  If you want to change your selection you can click on “Change My Ballot.”  If you are happy with your selection, click on “Cast My Ballot.”  Remember, your vote will not be cast unless you select “Cast My Ballot.”        The next screen will show a “Voting Receipt” which can be saved to your computer or printed for your records using your browsers’ print or save capability.  
  6. You’re done!